Product Catalog


Taste the difference a Spirit will make in your life. Designed to fit on a small patio or balcony, the Spirit E-210 gas grill brings the simplicity of grilling to most any home.


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Go hiking in nature with a grill as vibrant as the scenery. Travel on or off the beaten path, camp in the woods or near the shore. Explore the world with big taste and your Q 1200 portable gas grill by your side.


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Go hiking in nature with a grill as vibrant as the scenery. Travel on or off the beaten path, camp in the woods or near the shore. Explore the world with big taste and your Q 1200 portable gas grill by your side.


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Go hiking in nature with a grill as vibrant as the scenery. Travel on or off the beaten path, camp in the woods or near the shore. Explore the world with big taste and your Q 1200 portable gas grill by your side.


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The sun is shining and water glistening. Grab your Q 1000 portable gas grill, call your friends, and hit the waves. Small enough to go wherever you go with enough grilling space to concoct a quick meal when back on land.


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Get ready for a night of tailgating or pack the car for a beach party. All you need are friends, food, and the Jumbo Joe portable charcoal grill to kick it off.


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Do it for the love of classic barbecue. For tender meat falling off the bone and the first savory bite that makes taking it low- and-slow, in your Smokey Mountain Cooker smoker, worth every moment.


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This wheat germ based food is recommended for Spring and Fall temperatures. Floating sticks. Comes in a 4 liter bag.


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Unique blend of koi color enhancers, pond sticks and more.


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This wheat germ based food is recommended for Spring and Fall temperatures.

Feed in spring and fall, when water temperatures are below 50-Degree F and above 39-Degree F.


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Tetra's most popular pond food! An ideal maintenance diet that provides nutrition for energy, longevity, and overall health. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50°F and above.


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Floating fish food. Comes in a 1 liter canister. Premium nutrition for goldfish and koi.


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Floating, soft sticks. Comes in a 10 liter re-usable bucket. Premium nutrition for goldfish and koi.


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A highly nutritional diet that brings out vibrant reds and yellows on Koi and ornamental Goldfish. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50°F and above.


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The Fabric Raised Bed That Requires No Construction, Just Unfold, Fill & Plant.


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Premium nutrition with natural color enhancers.


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A gathering of harvest scents—cinnamon, clove, ginger and pumpkin—that's refreshing and warm.


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So vividly real you can almost taste the unmistakable crunch of that first bite of apple.


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A heartwarming blend of cinnamon, baking spices, and a hint of freshly poured tea.


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Cultivated with care … home-grown apples and pumpkins blended with ginger and clove.


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A welcoming aroma of hot cider spiced with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.


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6 Pack, Mosquito Dunk, A Natural Organic Ingredient Kills Mosquito Larvae That Feeds On It, Contains No Poisons. Will Continue To Kill For 30 Days, Completely Biodegradable, Place 1 Dunk Wherever Water Collects: Flower Pots, Overgrown Ponds, Gutters, Bird Baths, Will Not Harm Fish Or Other Animals, Each Dunk Covers 100 SQFT Of Water Surface Regardless Of Depth.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Good Things From the Earth and Sea!
Our most popular potting soil, Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish emulsion, and crab meal.

Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!

Garden tip: Designed for containers and ready to use right out of the bag. There’s no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try FoxFarm Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food to get things started.


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As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants.

Plants growing in Coco Loco® will not require water as often as your usual potting mix. Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. In most climates, every two to three days will be enough. Always adjust your watering schedule as needed.


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