Product Catalog


We have seasoned firewood and kiln-dried available for sale all year long. We sell our firewood by 1/2 cord, cord, or tractor scoop. Smaller amounts are available for delivery and larger amounts can be picked up at our store! 


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The kamado that set a new high standard for craftsmanship and innovation, our Kamado Joe Classic features a thick-walled, heat-resistant shell that locks in smoke and moisture at any temperature.


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Builds stronger, deeper roots for winter. See a thicker, greener lawn next spring. Protects and strengthens for a better spring lawn.


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Apply anytime for great green up. Feeds and strengthens lawns against heat & drought. Won't burn lawn. Guaranteed! Kid & pet friendly!


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Kills dandelions and other listed broadleaf weeds. Builds thick green turf from the roots up.


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Prevents crabgrass and 8 other problem weeds. Patented formula builds thick, green lawns from the roots up.


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The New American Lawn Plan can change the way that you care for your lawn, for the better. It is based on the use of both organic and traditional fertilizers in the lawn when and where you need them. You will see that you do not need to apply turf chemicals all over the lawn year after year. You will finally take control of how you care for your lawn in order to grow an attractive, healthy lawn that will not be subject to most lawn problems.


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C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.



Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Treats are produced by melting the highest quality beef kidney fat, blending a variety of seeds, nuts, and fruits that are then poured into a tray and allowed to harden. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat during shipping and storage, but will return to normal hardness again at room temperature. C&S’s quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in all season suet feeding success by our consumers.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Delights are mixed into a soft dough texture, which is then pressed into cake form. C&S’s process, unlike others who pour their dough products into a tray, creates the only true NO MELT bird suet product line in the world. The base of corn meal, rendered beef suet and roasted peanuts, along with other quality fruits and ingredients, makes C&S Suet Delight products unmatched in the industry.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Delights are mixed into a soft dough texture, which is then pressed into cake form. C&S’s process, unlike others who pour their dough products into a tray, creates the only true NO MELT bird suet product line in the world. The base of corn meal, rendered beef suet and roasted peanuts, along with other quality fruits and ingredients, makes C&S Suet Delight products unmatched in the industry.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


C&S Suet Delights are mixed into a soft dough texture, which is then pressed into cake form. C&S’s process, unlike others who pour their dough products into a tray, creates the only true NO MELT bird suet product line in the world. The base of corn meal, rendered beef suet and roasted peanuts, along with other quality fruits and ingredients, makes C&S Suet Delight products unmatched in the industry.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Cracked Corn is an inexpensive feed that appeals to a wide range of ground feeding birds such as cardinals, white-throated sparrows, towhees, ducks, and doves.


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Even wild birds like a little Cajun spice now and then, so we’ve combined the fiery hot chilies of Hot MeatsTM with Safflower (a favorite of cardinals) to create a sure fire winner for all your chickadees, titmice, woodpeckers, bluebirds, and of course – cardinals. Provide a special oasis for your feathered friends to enjoy and get more birds at your feeder than ever before with Cole’s Cajun BlendTM.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Nutritious sunflower meats infused with fiery hot habanero chilies, Hot Meats are a great no waste, no mess feed. Why do birds love the spicy flavor? 


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Sunflower Meats is the only true no waste, no mess feed available. This is pure sunflower and the birds’ number one choice. With almost no shell, you get more feed per pound and no messy hulls to clean up. It’s perfect if you want to feed from balconies and decks without the mess of leftover shells.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Special Feeder™ has all of the good stuff. This unique mix is a high-energy treat for many birds. It’s our most popular blend because it attracts the greatest number of wild birds than any other mix out there. Plus woodpeckers absolutely love the pecans!


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Many people are reluctant to feed wild birds during the warm months because the bird seed germinates and causes weeds. Bird food shells make decks, patios and lawns unsightly. Resolve the problem by changing your mixture. Lyric Delite Mix is waste-free, mess-free and weed-free. It's also a great value, because you don't pay for the shells. Four pounds of Lyric Delite Mix is equivalent to nearly eight pounds of the same mix with the shells.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Sunflower Kernels are a good source of fat and protein for finches, nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, woodpeckers and cardinals. Keep this food dry in your birdfeeder for best results. Due to market conditions, Lyric Sunflower Kernels may contain small amounts of shell and may have more broken pieces than in the past.


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