Product Catalog


Prevent problem grassy weeds like crabgrass. Kick off the season with Step® 1. Apply in early spring, anytime between February and April when temperatures are still cool (under 80ºF). Step® 1 prevents crabgrass before it can germinate. It also feeds to green up a winter-weary lawn, too.


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The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!


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As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants.


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The very best for your soil! Our premium natural planting mix is designed to be worked into the soil every time you plant. It’s got everything you need to get your garden off to a good start: earthworm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, and more. We carefully adjust the pH to make sure that your plants can take up the nutrients they need. Our special mix also helps hold moisture in the soil, which keeps plants hydrated and growing.


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Don’t Treat Your Soil Like Dirt!® ...Bring home a bale of our all-natural soil conditioner, and your garden will thank you. We blend Happy Frog® by hand, in small batches, checking for quality every step of the way. In every bag, you’ll find finely screened, pH-balanced aged forest products, earthworm castings, and bat guano, not to mention beneficial microbes that stimulate root development and help plants access nutrients in the soil. We also add humic acid to help increase the uptake of important micronutrients.


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This light airy blend of peat moss and perlite is the answer to every gardener’s success. How do you get good water retention as well as good drainage? The K-9 Kube® has it all: pedigree ingredients, mycorrhizal fungi and crazy wicked earthworm castings. Our ultra-premium Growers Blend is formulated to optimize nutrient availability to plants. Use Lucky Dog® for rooted cuttings and young plant starts for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Plant directly into Lucky Dog® Growers Blend.


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Lyric Supreme Mix, premium wild bird food helps you attract many birds! The excitement begins with a colorful variety of many birds dashing about as they savor the bird food you’ve provided. Success in attracting many birds depends greatly upon the bird feed mixture. Premium quality ingredients tend to attract an assortment of birds. Lyric Supreme offers the very best gourmet ingredients plus an assortment of preferred bird seeds and tree nut pieces.


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Lyric® Peanut Pieces are a perfect treat for your bird feeder. Arboreal wild birds such as titmice, nuthatches, jays, woodpeckers and chickadees love Lyric Peanut Pieces. Keep this food dry for best results. Peanut Pieces Ingredients: Shelled peanuts.


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100% Edible Nutrition – No Waste, No Fillers, No Weeds. Lyric Fine Tunes is a 100% edible, no-waste bird feeding mix. It is a nutritious blend of nuts and kernels, finely-cut for easier feeding and smoother flowing in bird feeders. Our fine-cut mix is easier to use and easier to eat. All shells and hulls are removed from Lyric Fine Tunes nuts and seeds and the mix contains no fillers.


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Boomerang’s® microbial-based formula helps plants bounce back and thrive while encouraging new root growth and vegetative growth. It contains solubilized organic nutrition that is immediately available for amazingly fast recovery of stressed plants; Boomerang® can also be used as a vegetative supplement.


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Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom® makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering. FoxFarm Tiger Bloom® is an ultra potent, fast acting, high phosphorus fertilizer that also contains a good supply of nitrogen for growth and vigor. It is formulated with a low pH to maintain stability in storage and keep micronutrients available.


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Get your garden going with Grow Big®, our fast-acting, water-soluble fertilizer for lush, vegetative, compact growth. Use Grow Big® early in the season when young plants need an extra boost. We add earthworm castings and Norwegian kelp into this special brew to encourage sturdier, healthier stems and leaves, but we also provide enough nutrients and trace minerals to create the kind of healthy branching that you’ll need later in the season for more abundant buds and blooms.


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Natural and organic blossom builder. Big Bloom™ is ideal for all flowering and fruiting plants, and it’s safe enough to use every time you water. You’ll enjoy healthy, vigorous flowers and dramatically improved fruit and vegetable flavors.


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Your potted plants deserve the best. Their roots can’t seek out nutrients in the ground, so you have to bring it to them. That’s why Happy Frog® Potting Soil is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed the plant roots. Between the earthworm castings, the bat guano, and the aged forest products, your container plants have never felt so good. And don’t worry—FoxFarm uses only the highest quality, premium ingredients—no cheap fillers, no topsoil, no sludge.



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ProScape® 25-0-5 1% Fe 51% MESA® is a premier fertilizer utilizing Lebanon's MESA® technology. MESA® is an innovative nitrogen source that combines the benefits of methylene urea with ammonium sulfate in a single, homogeneous granule. 50 lbs.


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ProScape® 16-0-8 30% MESA® .225% Allectus® provides plant nutrients as well as control of surface and subsurface feeding pests (see label for a complete list.) For lawn and landscape areas around residential, commercial, institutional, industrial buildings, parks, recreational lawns, and athletic fields. Ideal where zero phosphorus is desired. 50 lbs.


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ProScape® 19-0-6 33% MESA® LockUp™ provides postemergence control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass, including residential lawns, golf courses, parks, sports fields, sod farms and around commercial buildings and other recreational and commercial turfgrass areas. 40 lbs.


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ProScape® 15-0-5 40% MESA® .13 Dimension® contains a selective herbicide that provides control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds (see bag label for a complete list) in established lawns and ornamental turfs, including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes. 50 lbs.


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Stainless steel burners: 4. 9 mm diameter stainless steel rod cooking grates. Stainless steel Flavorizer® bars. Porcelain-enameled shroud with center-mounted thermometer. Stainless steel side tables with painted aluminum end caps: 2. Painted enclosed cart with painted steel doors and chrome-plated aluminum handles.


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Grow more spectacular flowers, bigger vegetables, lush foliage and stronger trees and shrubs!The easiest way to feed and water your garden. Great for use with the Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder. Instantly feeds through both the leaves (foliar) and roots (soil zones). Ideal for all plants (indoor and outdoor), flowers, vegetables, and all soil and water conditions.
Safe for all plants--won't burn when used as directed.


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A high-energy wild bird mix featuring a gourmet blend of select fruits, shell-free nuts and seed. This premium mix is sure to attract a colorful array of birds to your bird house all year long! 


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