The New American Lawn Program


The New American Lawn Plan can change the way that you care for your lawn, for the better. It is based on the use of both organic and traditional fertilizers in the lawn when and where you need them. You will see that you do not need to apply turf chemicals all over the lawn year after year. You will finally take control of how you care for your lawn in order to grow an attractive, healthy lawn that will not be subject to most lawn problems.

U: Use Black Beauty genetically superior grass seed mixtures.

S: Stimulate soil biology and relieve soil compaction with Love Your Soil.

A: Adjust soil pH rapidly with Mag-I-Cal.

Click here for more information.

Step 1- Green-Up Crabgrass Preventer:

  • Apply in early Spring to feed the lawn and provide season-long crabgrass prevention
  • Apply MAG-I-CAL to balance your soil's pH on the same day


  • Apply Crabgrass Preventer plus New Seeding Lawn Fertilizer when seeding to achieve three results - feed your lawn, hasten seed germination, and prevent crabgrass
  • Apply MAG-I-CAL to balance your soil's pH on the same day

Step 2 - Green-Up Weed & Feed:

  • Apply in late Spring to feed the lawn and kill over 250 broadleaf weeds like dandelions, chickweed, clover, and oxalis. Be sure to apply to a damp lawn from light sprinkling or early morning dew and do not irrigate or expect rainfall afterward for 48 hours.

Step 3 - Love Your Soil Natural Soil Food:

  • Apply in Summer to feed the soil and stimulate its biology and loosen hard, compacted soil for deeper root growth.

Step 4 - Winter Survival Fall Lawn Food:

  • Apply in Fall to feed the lawn and help prepare it against the long, harsh winter ahead.
  • Early fall seeding works best, apply Winter Survival Lawn Food the same day before applying grass seed.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.